Chapbooks & Pamphlets
REMNANTS, Gesture Press | 2019
Conversing in the Staryard, Dusie Chapbook Exchange, AWP | 2014
Cover art by Andrew Shears
Numerous chaplets, pamphlets, and the “Periodic” project, Roots + Limbs | 2013-2014
Arts collaborative with Jeremy Jacob
Collarbone, Roots + Limbs | 2013
Arts collaborative with Jeremy Jacob
Full Hunter’s Moon pamphlet | 2011
Hakubai Temple
Namesake, Roots + Limbs | 2010
Arts collaborative with Jeremy Jacob
The Womb is a Palimpsest
Work in Progress
Under the Dominion of Spells
Work in Progress
The Ripples Are to Blame

Selected Poems
“Color, a way through”
spoKe, issue #8 | 2021
“Something Special;” “Hatch;” “Strawberry Girl”
spoKe, issue #7 | 2020
“Exquisite Corpse”
Collaboration with Kevin Gallagher
Collaborative Poem Project: A Living Anthology, Woodberry Poetry Room, Harvard University | 2020
“Barbara Allen”
Peripheries: A Journal of Word and Image, issue #3
Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School | 2020
“Sweeping Light Born of Familiar Pathways;” “Please Rise”
One Nation, Indivisible: Seeking Liberty and Justice from the Pulpit to the Streets
Wipf and Stock Publishers | 2019
“In the Pines”
Peripheries: A Journal of Word and Image, issue #1
Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School | 2018
Weathering Change: An Anthology of Art in Response to Climate Change
Harvard University Office for Sustainability | 2018
“Devil’s Night”
Entombed in Verse: An Epitaph for Salem, FunDead Publications | 2017
Excerpts from The Ripples Are to Blame
Hydrogen Jukebox: 40 Years of (Dis)embodied Poetics, Naropa University | 2014
Excerpts from The Ripples Are to Blame
The Ocean State Review, Vol 4 No. 1, University of Rhode Island | 2014
Excerpts from The Ripples Are to Blame
Alongside hand-sewn images by Rachel S. May
Yew Journal | 2013
Selected Readings
Use Poetry: A Lowell Celebrates Kerouac reading and discussion
The Overlook, Lowell, MA | 2024
REMNANTS Chapbook Release Party
Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA | 2019
Improbable Places Poetry Tour: The Bridge Stop
Remond Park, Salem, MA | 2019
Boston Poetry Marathon
Community Church of Boston | 2019-2024
Entombed in Verse: An Epitaph for Salem Reading
The Witch House, Salem, MA | 2017
“Fame” at The Moth
Laugh Boston, Boston, MA | 2017
Mass Poetry U35 Reading
The Marliave, Boston, MA | 2017
Boulder 8 TV Broadcast
Boulder, CO | 2015
Jack Kerouac School Reading, AWP
Minneapolis, MN | 2015
Marginalia: Jack Kerouac School Community Reading, AWP
James Harris Gallery, Seattle, WA | 2014
Living the Questions
Collaborative performance of poetry + dance
The 8th Annual Somatic Arts Concert, Naropa University, Boulder, CO | 2014
Women of Naropa Reading
Naropa University, Boulder, CO | 2011, 2013
Maybe You'll Find What Haunts You: An Event Presented by Roots + Limbs
The Writing Studio at Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA | 2013
Jupiter 88
A video journal of contemporary poetry by CAConrad | 2012
Poets Co-op TV, Episode 49
Lafayette, CO | 2012
4x4 Reading
University of Denver, Strum Hall, Denver, CO | 2011

why do i see you
sitting on a rock at the bottom of the sea
(mixtures like these are so human and you
just image and voice)

Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival
Use Poetry: A Lowell Celebrates Kerouac reading and discussion
The Overlook, Lowell, MA | 2024
New Orleans Poetry Festival, New Orleans, LA
The Cosmic Collective | 2019
Interviews & Book Reviews
“Remembering Harry Smith: A Conversation with Steven Taylor”
Reprint in Heaven and Earth Magic (Inner Traditions International and Bear & Company) In Press
“Luminous Detail: Introducing Anne Waldman”
Peripheries: A Journal of Word and Image, issue #4
Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School | 2021
Book review: Every Present Thing a Ghost, Rebecca Doverspike
Peripheries: A Journal of Word and Image, issue #3 | 2019
Book review: & Now My Feet Are Maps, Jenn McCreary
Something on Paper | 2014
Book review: Manhater, Danielle Pafunda
Something on Paper | 2013
“For Those Who Believe in Nothing Else: An Interview with Greil Marcus”
Bombay Gin, issue #37.1 | 2011
“Remembering Harry Smith: A Conversation with Steven Taylor”
Bombay Gin, issue #37.1 | 2011
“Beverly native returns to roots with show at Montserrat”
The Beverly Citizen, Beverly, MA | 2013